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Sunday, February 09, 2025

Pope Francis: Homosexuality not a crime

1 min read"We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are and for the strength of each one of us has to fight for our dignity," Pope Francis said in an interview with the Associated Press.
Profile picture of Alexandria Grace MagnoProfile picture of Christian Patrick Laqui

Published about 2 years ago on January 28, 2023

by Alexandria Grace Magno, Christian Patrick Laqui


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(Photo by Kenneth Adrian S. Castillo/TomasinoWeb)


Laws that criminalize homosexuality are unjust, the head of the Roman Catholic Church said in an interview with The Associated Press (AP).

Pope Francis emphasized during an interview last Tuesday, Jan. 24, that being a homosexual is not a crime.

"We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are and for the strength of each one of us has to fight for our dignity," he added.

But despite this pronouncement, the Pontiff still emphasized the difference between homosexuality being a sin rather than a crime.

"It's not a crime. Yes, but it's [homosexuality] a sin. Fine, but first let's distinguish between a sin and a crime," the Pope said in Spanish.

"It [is] also a sin to lack charity with one another," he added.

Pope Francis also asserted that bishops needed to consider a process of conversion to acknowledge the dignity of everyone. Then urged them to add tenderness to their actions as God has for each of us.

Although the Pontiff only addressed homosexuality and did not specifically mention transgender or nonbinary individuals, supporters of greater LGBT inclusiveness in the Catholic Church considered his remarks as major progress.

In a 2020 documentary "Francesco," Pope Francis voiced civil union laws to protect same-sex couples.

The Pope also supported granting legal protections to same-sex couples when he was still the Archbishop of Buenos Aires in Argentina.

LGBTQ Inclusivity

Pope Francis

Associated Press

Profile picture of Alexandria Grace Magno

Alexandria Grace Magno

Managing Editor

Alexandria Grace Magno was the Managing Editor of TomasinoWeb. She is a third-year Journalism student with almost nine years of experience in Campus Journalism, particularly in the Radio Broadcasting and Scriptwriting category. She has experience writing for live shows and university programs under Tiger Media Network. During her vacation, she worked as a volunteer for Move PH, Rappler's civic engagement division, where she gained skills in covering and writing wrap-ups as well as human-interest stories.

Profile picture of Christian Patrick Laqui

Christian Patrick Laqui

Reports Editor

Christian Patrick Laqui, also known as “Ian”, was the former Reports Editor of TomasinoWeb. Ian wrote about various matters, including the 2022 national elections, University student politics, activism, church, appointments and special awards, and human interest stories. He is currently a freelance journalist chasing stories on religion, human interests, justice, and politics.


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