Following last academic year's return of the onsite Baccalaureate Mass, the Office of Secretary General (OSG) confirmed that the Baccalaureate Mass 2023 will be held on Tuesday, May 30, at the UST Grandstand and Open Field.
Along with the announcement of date and venue, the OSG released a circular dated May 24 containing a copy of guidelines and information for the celebration of Baccalaureate Mass that was set to be led by the University rector, Very Rev. Fr. Richard G. Ang, OP.
Here are the list of guidelines stated on the said circular:
Drop off and Pick up. The University will observe a Carless Day in order to maintain a smooth flow of foot traffic around the campus. Graduating students are urged to be dropped off and picked up.
Safety and Security. The attendees will be required by the safety and security personnel to show their ThoMedSS health declaration, undergo a thermal screening and inspection in their respective buildings. Attendees were urged to wear face masks and follow the minimum health protocols inside their respective buildings.
Proper Attire. The official Type A uniform should be worn by students.
Props and Design. It is encouraged for each academic unit to develop its own techniques or gimmicks for a victorious ambiance and grateful celebration mentality, but are guided by the following:
- Costume masks, handy props, placards, and other materials of the same nature may be used throughout the processional and recessional parade.
- During the processional and recessional parades, it is prohibited to use fireworks/firecrackers, sky lanterns, candle balloons, helium balloons, floating balloons, confetti, foam sprays, paint sprays, colored powder, party poppers (blizzards), glitters, animals, camera drones (aside from the official photography drones), and AC-powered gadgets/props.
- Battery-powered props can only be lit up after the Mass' closing song.
Graduating students and academic staff advisers who are present during the event, are also advised to bring along their personal tumblers of water, light snacks, and umbrellas.
The Thomasian Mission Crosses for the Imposition Ceremony; the candles and candle holders for the Ceremony of the Light; and the Thomasian Pledge bookmarks must be claimed by the representatives of the respective academic units from the OSG on or before Monday, May 29.
The method for distributing the resources mentioned above to graduating students will be decided by the different academic divisions. Note that prior to entering the Open Field, the crosses should already be with the graduating pupils.
As indicated in the circular, as soon as the details for the seating arrangements, the access route to the Open Field, and the order of academic units for the Processional/Recessional parade are available, it will be forwarded to respective offices of the academic units.
Graduating students, together with the academic staff, administrative and academic officials are encouraged to attend the Baccalaureate Mass.
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